Thursday, February 13, 2014

STRESSED is DESSERTS spelled backwards

According to Wikipedia, Stress is a person's response to a stressor such as an environmental condition or a stimulus. Stress can be very bad on your body if you don't learn how to handle it. Stress is a body's method of reacting to a challenge. According to the stressful event, the body's way to respond to stress is by sympathetic nervous system activation which results in the fight-or-flight response. Stress typically describes a negative condition or a positive condition that can have an impact on a person's mental and physical well-being.

The term stress had none of its contemporary connotations before the 1920s. It is a form of the Middle English destresse, derived via Old French from the Latin stringere, "to draw tight." The word had long been in use in physics to refer to the internal distribution of a force exerted on a material body, resulting in strain. In the 1920s and 1930s biological and psychological circles occasionally used the term to refer to a mental strain or to a harmful environmental agent that could cause illness. Stress as an explanation of lived experience is absent from both lay and expert life narratives before the 1930s".

          Each one of us experiences stress almost everyday due to many different factors, sources, stimulus or condition. We encounter stress at home, in school, in the workplace and well, practically everywhere. Stress has become a part of a person’s daily life, whether he or she likes it or not.

According to www.medicanewstoday, the most common causes of stress are: Bereavement, Family problems, Financial matters, Illness, Job issues, Lack of time, Moving home, Relationships (including divorce). Other factors include: Abortion, Becoming a mother or a father, Conflicts in the workplace, Driving in bad traffic, Fear of crime, Losing your job, Miscarriage, Noisy neighbors, Overcrowding, Pollution, Pregnancy, Retirement, Too much noise, Uncertainty (awaiting laboratory test results, academic exam results, job interview results, etc).

          However, a lot of scientists, doctors and psychologists have conducted tests and experiments in determining and studying stress and what causes it. A lot of studies was also conducted aiming to come up with better if not the best solution to combat stress. Since nothing is impossible with science, scientists and other experts believe that they can be able to come up with the best anti-stress formula.

          In the meantime, doctors and experts advise three methods in lessening and combating if not eradicating stress. These are Self-Help, Self-Management, and Medication.
Self – Help Method

·         Exercise – exercise is very important in maintaining a stress free life after having been proven and tested to affect a person’s over-all we being. Exercise is one way of releasing stress trapped in the body. A 30-minute jog can help releasing stress.
·         Proper nutrition – eating the right food ensures that the body gets the right and exact amount of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients needed to combat stress.
·         Drugs and Alcohol – besides being harmful to the body, they do not give any benefit except satisfaction. Some think that by drinking alcohol and taking drugs, they can release the stress in their body. What they don’t know that alcohol and drugs can even add to the stress they already have.
·         Relaxation and Meditation – for me, this is one of the most effective anti-stress formulas. Whenever you feel stressed out, calm down and meditate. Do some yoga or have a massage and you will surely feel stress-free after a few minutes. Sometimes, stress is brought about by to much work. Conditioning your mind and body helps in combatting stress.
·         Time – have some time for yourself. Life is not always work, work, work! Take a few minutes off every now and then. Why not watch a movie by yourself or go on a trip.
·         Caffeine – coffee contains caffeine that aids in combatting sleepiness but not all the time. Remember, too much caffeine is not good for the body.
·         Division of Labor – do not ever take on more than what you can manage. Divide the responsibilities among yourselves. The more responsibilities you have, the bigger the stress.
·         Breathing – proper breathing aids in combatting stress. Learn some breathing exercises and put it into good use whenever you feel stressed out.
·         Talk – stress is caused by problems so try to talk to someone like your family, classmates, friends, or colleagues. Just let it all out and listen to their advice. Before you know it, you will feel stress free.
·         Laugh – remember, laughter is the best medicine. Whenever you feel stressed out, watch a comedy movie or go to a comedy bar. Laugh out loud and your stress will fly away.
·         Seek professional help – if all else fails, go see a doctor or a psychologist. They surely know what to do.

Self – Management
·         This are often found in books, medical journals or in the internet. Experts call this the self – management therapy. No need to go to the doctor. Do your research and put it into good use. You can also attend stress management sessions or seminars. Doctors also advise massage, reflexology, yoga, aromatherapy and acupuncture. That is if you are wiling to pay.
·         When all else fails, you no longer have any choice but to consider going to the doctor and asking for a prescription which can help you combat stress. Although you have to remember that too much dependence on medicines can affect or might damage your body.

Stress can be avoided if we take good care of ourselves. At the end of the day, it is still all up to you on how you will manage and combat stress. Live a healthy lifestyle!

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