Saturday, October 12, 2013

Speed Demons: A Growing Menace

Having a car is already a necessity for some people. Having a car gives you an edge against those people taking public transportation. You can get to your destination quicker than those riding a jeep or a tricycle. You can pass through shortcuts unlike jeepneys that have to follow a designated route.
However, having a car can also be a factor for vehicular accidents. You have to admit that not all drivers are careful in driving. Some would drive as if they are the only people on the road, speeding up to 100 Kph on a 40 Kph road. We call them speed demons.
These speed demons do not think of the welfare of other people. Are they aware that they are courting danger through the way they drive?  Why are there such drivers? More and more drivers add to this list every day. Thus, more and more vehicular accidents happen every day.
These speed demons deserve to be placed on a stationery car parked in the middle of the road which will then be hit by a speeding ten-wheeler truck. What would they feel if they are in this position? Will they also feel the fear and the dread? Will they also grab the rosary in the dashboard and pray incoherently? This kind of people should have a taste of their own medicine. They contribute a large percent to the increasing number of vehicular accidents.

What is the Land Transportation Office (LTO) doing to lessen the number of vehicular accidents? They should be more critical in their efforts to maintain the order in the roads especially near populated areas where accidents of pedestrians being hit are increasing. They should advocate responsible and safe driving. More so, the traffic enforcers should be strict in enforcing the traffic rules and regulations.

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